Theme 11: Soils and klimpers (wet sand dunes)
The development of the Danish soils since the last glaciation has in many sand-dominated places been in competition with eroding wind. Due to circumferent erosion podsols holding rainwater lakes are in some places left in extraordinarely well developed flat topped hills.
Photo: E. Nygaard
Four GeoSites illustrate this themeThere is one main GeoSite:
Fr�slev Plantage (GS 11-1)
There are three supplementary GeoSites to Theme 11:
Stensb�k Plantage (GS 11-2)
Urh�je and Myrh�je plantations (GS 11-3)
Hoverdal klits� (GS 11-4)
Out of the three supplementary GeoSites it is only Urh�je and Myrh�je plantations that are described below.